Salveo Integrative Health

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Non-Medication Treatment for Major Depression

Salveo Integrative Health offers NeuroStar TMS Therapy in Lawrenceville, GA. This is a non-medication treatment for depression that is FDA-cleared, safe, and effective

TMS therapy may be recommended for patients who are not getting adequate results with standard drug therapy. This advanced treatment offers benefits without producing the common side effects associated with antidepressant medication. 

NeuroStar TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) Therapy:

TMS therapy in Lawrenceville GA

What you can expect

The service is covered by most major insurance plans.

NeuroStar TMS therapy for depression in Lawrenceville GA

There are nearly 500 NeuroStar physicians providing TMS therapy. With more than 12,000 patients treated, this advanced treatment approach is bringing new hope to patients every day.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy can be used for patients who failed to receive satisfactory results from antidepressant medication. With TMS therapy, patients avoid the common side effects from antidepressants. The most common treatment side effect is pain or discomfort. 

NeuroStar TMS Therapy is not suitable for everyone. Consult with a Salveo physician to determine if this proven treatment is right for you. At Salveo Integrative Health, we offer comprehensive behavioral and mental health services in Lawrenceville, GA. Book an appointment today!

non-drug treatment for depression in Lawrenceville GA
NeuroStar TMS therapy for depressive disorder in adults in Lawrenceville GA
TMS treatment for major depressive disorder in Lawrenceville GA

Real People, Real Stories

Many people who suffer from depression have stories just like yours.

neuro star patient testimonial
neuro star patient testimonial
neuro star patient testimonial
neuro star patient testimonial
neuro star patient testimonial
neuro star patient testimonial

Request an appointment for a consultation to see if TMS is right for you!

Financing Options

Shahzad Hashmi, MD, DFAPA,
Chief Medical Officer

Meet Dr. Hashmi

Shahzad M. Hashmi, MD, FAPA

Chief Medical Officer, Salveo Integrative Health, Inc.

Dr. Shahzad Hashmi is the Chief Medical Officer and founder of Salveo Integrative Health, Inc. and the Salveo Foundation, Inc. He completed his medical degree from Dow Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan, where he specialized in internal medicine and surgery. He moved to the United States and completed his residency at Howard University Medical School. While there, he served as the Chief Resident and received his medical degree in Psychiatry.

Sahara Khan,
Director of TMS Services

Meet Sahara Khan

Sahara Khan is the Executive Director of TMS Services at Salveo. 

Sahara oversees the delivery of TMS and manages the program’s administration and services.

Sahara has been administering TMS treatment since 2020.

Lindsay Weaver,
TMS Coordinator and Technician

Meet Lindsay Weaver

Lindsay Weaver is the TMS Coordinator and Technician at Salveo.

She is the chief point of contact for the treatment, being involved with patient from the referral process, conult, and treatment.

With Dr Hashmi and Sahara, Lindsay has helped Salveo achieve recognition as a NeuroStar Gold Circle Provider, administering over 500 treatments over the last year.

Learn more about Salveo's providers and expertise with TMS therapy.
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