If you have a life-threatening emergency, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
Salveo Integrative Health offers telemedicine for patients in Lawrenceville and Oakwood, GA and the surrounding areas. All of our providers can see patients through telemedicine. If you would like to make an appointment, please email info@salveohealth.org. If you are not interested in a telemed visit, you may reschedule.
We understand that in these unprecedented times you may have a lot of questions. However, due to high volume, if we cannot get to your call, please leave us a clear message with your name, date of birth, and reason for calling.
Provider Waiting Room Links
Disclaimer: Provider links are only for patients with already scheduled appointments. If you have any questions or need to contact your provider, contact our office or email the provider.
- Dr. Hashmi – doxy.me/salveohealth
- Curtis Atkins – doxy.me/curtisatkins
- Dan Richart – doxy.me/danrichartlpc
- Robyn Tenenbaum – doxy.me/robyntenenbaumaprn
- Angie Smith – doxy.me/angies
- Tara Lynch – doxy.me/taralynchaprn
- Penelope Burton – doxy.me/blaze
- Vincent Spencer – doxy.me/vincentspencer
- Veronica Thornsberry – doxy.me/veronicathornsberry
- Crystal Hamilton – doxy.me/crystalhamiltonlcsw
- Nicole Williams – doxy.me/nicolewnp
- Thomas Bass- https://doxy.me/thomasbass
- Kris Magpantay- https://doxy.me/kmagpac
- Jaime Morris- https://doxy.me/jaimem
- K. Rebecca Herrera- https://doxy.me/rherrera
Credit Card Authorization Form
If you would like to make a payment, you may fill out this Credit Card Authorization form and email it to us at info@salveohealth.org. This will give us permission to keep your card information on file and bill you for visits. This form will need to be filled out after every visit. Alternatively, you may call us and make a payment.